Dentists and Dental Care in Lake Chapala and Ajijic

Finding the right Dentists and Dental Care Lakeside

The following are listed within community, then alphabetically by Mexican last name. For example, first in the list is Dr. J. Manuel Ayala Candelas – Ayala is the last name; Candelas is his mother’s last name. Mexicans carry both parents’ last names but go by the father’s, in the example, Ayala.

All of these listed speak English. Mexican dentists receive the training that you expect back home, and they are fully qualified.

Facilities: All offices are clean and most are up-to-date on technology, but in Mexico, there are few frills like free toothbrushes.

Try to get a referral from someone you know although the work s(he) may have had could be very different from what you need. How were they treated? Were alternatives explained and discussed for the patient’s choice and approval?

Prices: Generally prices are lower than we are accustomed to north of the border, e.g. as of July 2012:

  • Cleaning runs $150 – $500 pesos, average $300 pesos ($25 USD);
  • Fillings depend on size of cavity $200 – $1200 pesos with average, $360 – $450 pesos ($100 USD max);
  • Root canals depend on number of roots, e.g. back teeth have more roots, so price can vary from $1500 for front teeth to $2750 for a large back molar (average root canals are $1500 – 2000 pesos);
  • Crowns run $900 – $6000 pesos averaging $1900 – 2000 ($150 USD);
  • Dentures vary considerably from $2500 – $10,000 pesos for either upper or lower, but you can get good dentures (full set) for $5600 pesos.

A list of Dentists located in the Ajijic or Chapala area:

These are examples from a phone survey, so always ask. What you can assume is that standard dental services are provided although prices vary. They are professionals, and like professionals everywhere, some are better.

1. Chapala

Dr. J. Manuel Ayala Candelas
Maria de Lourdes Barajas Chavez
Tel: (376) 765 – 2800
#467 Madero near the bus station
Reasonably priced, good work, speaks English, Recommended

Dr. Eloy Barragan Fernandez
Tel: (376) 765 – 5584, (c) 333 – 157 – 0136
López Cotilla 272 B, Chapala
Good Work, good price; Recommended

2. Riberas del Pilar

Dr. Francisco Contreras
Tel: (376) 765 – 5757, (c) 331 – 143 – 1787
Hidalgo #68A, Riberas Del Pilar
Modern Equipment, gentle treatment

Dr. Hector Haro
Tel: (376) 765 – 3193, 765 – 6974, 765 – 6410
San Luis #83, Riberas Del Pilar
General and preventive dentistry. Oral rehabilitation, Cosmetic dentistry, bleaching, porcelain crowns, crown & bridge, implants, one of the most expensive but Recommended

Dr. Alberto Don Olivera (Dr. Don)
Tel: (376) 765 – 4805, 765 – 4838
Hidalgo # 79-G, Maskaras Clinic, Riberas del Pilar
Modern equipment, intra-oral camera, Recommended.

Dr. Candy Ugalde
Tel: (376) 106 – 0826
Av. Hidalgo #79-K, Plaza Mascaras, Riberas del Pilar
Crowns and bridges, cosmetic work, root Canals, veneres, whitening,
cleaning with unltrasound, implants, dentures

Dra. Cotty Salas MacDonald
Tel: (376) 106 – 0858
Messica Plaza, Suites 101 & 102, Riberas del Pilar (next to Telecable)
General Dentistry, cosmetic specialist, implants, root canals, crowns
and bridges, Zoom whitening, oral cancer scanning

Dra. Rebecca Sandoval
Tel: (376) 106 – 0839 or (c) 331 – 601 – 5185
Hidalgo #83-A2, Riberas del Pilar
Cleaning, dentures, implants, whitening, crowns, bridges

3. San Antonio Tlayacapán

Chapala Med (Medical and Dental care)
Tel:     +523325369209 (Dentistry) +523339509414 (Medical services)
Plaza Interlago, Libramiento (behind Pemex) #132, unit #21 by car wash Cosmetic dentistry, implants, orthodontics, maxillofacial surgery,prosthodontics, endodontics, periodontics /

4. Ajijic

Drs. Medeles & Bodart
Tel: (376) 766 – 5050
Colon Sur #4A, Ajijic
Implants, porcelain crowns and bridges, bleaching, root canals, free
metal porcelain (zirconia), special for short term visitors (fast service)

Dra. Martha Medina Corona
Tel: (376) 766 – 4503
Constitución #27-A, Ajijic
Crowns and root Canals at about $1600 pesos

Dra. Rocio Vidrio
Ajijic Dental
Tel: (376) 766 – 3682
Carretera Oriente #58, Int.1 (2nd floor), across from Telmex, beside Laguna Net, Plaza San Juan, Ajijic, Recommended

Dra. Maria Luisa Luis Villa
Tel: (376) 766 – 2428
Colon Sur #4A, Ajijic
Implants, dental surgery, good pricing and good work, Recommended

5. Ajijic West

Dr. Edgard Macias, Dr. Aldo Garcia, Dra. Elena Chavez
Tel: (c) 331 – 121 – 6518
Carretera Poniente #368,  Ajijic
Dental Express:  X-Rays, implants, dentures (from $2900 pesos, ready in 3 days), crowns, bridges, have their own lab & very reasonable rates, Recommended

6. Ajijic Centro

Dr. Jose Morales
Tel: 3315460466 or office 766 5993
16 de septiembre 2B downtown Ajijic
Dental Bright

By Kay Davis, Access Team Writer

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